Our Team
With lifelong interests in martial arts and self defence, I started training with Spartans Academy in 2016 with an open mind and a willingness to learn. For some time I’d been aware of combat styles that were a little less like traditional martial arts, and instead focussed on more practical skill sets that were straight to the point. I was keen to find out more about what I could pursue as a civilian, in oppose to training that was linked to any specific line of work, as my business side of things was unrelated.
The idea that someone could have an improved chance to defend themselves if faced with a life threatening situation was something I have always held with high importance, so after doing some research I discovered more about styles of Krav Maga, and that Spartans Academy were holding classes nearby in Sheffield.
After a couple of sessions, it was clear that this was the kind of discipline that if developed over a period of time, would be invaluable to you as an individual, and could well be life saving.
I pursued the training with a ‘now or never’ approach moving forward, and though this theory actually wasn’t so true, it did motivate me to throw myself at more and more opportunities and so I took part in a majority of what was on offer throughout the next 5 years.
I’m a big believer in pursuing the things you are passionate about and not spending time thinking ‘what if’ or feeling regret later for not doing something. That’s the mindset I took and I haven’t looked back.
I’ve taken part in many seminars and two week-long training expeditions in Romania, which have placed me in various environments and associated training conditions. Through different methods I’ve learned an incredible amount in each, realising that there is always more to develop and improve. Slowly over time I have started to assist the training of others, and this has led me to recently passing the latest Instructor course with Spartans Academy which is a milestone in my own training and a path to develop moving forward. I enjoy working with people to enhance their training and sharing what I have learned along the way, and will continue to do so whilst moving forward with my own.
April 2017 – Itay Gil Seminar (Protect / Spartans Academy, Leeds, UK)
June 2017 – 10 Hour Krav Maga Marathon (Spartans Academy, Sheffield, UK)
August 2017 – Xtreme Krav Maga / 7 Day Training Programme (Săcel, Maramureș, RO)
October 2017 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
January 2018 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
March – May 2018 – Kravmagalogy / Specialist Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
June 2018 – QA Level 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Automated External Defibrillation (Oscar Charlie Bespoke, Newcastle, UK)
July 2018 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
August 2018 – Xtreme Krav Maga / 7 Day Training Programme (Săcel, Maramureș, RO)
October 2018 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
January 2019 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
January 2019 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
February 2019 – Fight Club / Fighting Skills & Tactics (Gheorghe Husar, York, UK)
April 2019 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
May 2019 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
July 2019 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
July 2019 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
October 2019 – First Aid & Trauma Course & QNUK Level 2 Basic Life Support (Oscar Charlie Bespoke)
October 2019 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
November 2019 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
January 2019 – Core Krav Seminar (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
February 2020 – Fight Club / Fighting Skills & Tactics (Gheorghe Husar, York, UK)
March 2020 – Instructor Updates & Training (Spartans Academy, York, UK)
Survivor 1 2018 – York, UK Master Gheorghe Husar
Survivor S4 2022 – Hull, UK Dr. Itay gilr
Part 1 – December 2020 – February 2021
Part 2 – May 2021