covid-19 UPDATE 11/05/20
The latest from the Prime Minister has still left things unclear regarding recreational hobbies/classes like ours.
Hopefully it won’t be much longer before we are back in class but for now we remain closed.
New to the Academy? Get in touch, book your free trial and register your interest now – you\’ll be one of the first to hear from us the moment our classes reopen.
The latest from the Prime Minister has still left things unclear regarding recreational hobbies/classes like ours.
Hopefully it won’t be much longer before we are back in class.
For now Spartans Academy has chosen to move forward and provide more learning from home in the following way:
Two live Krav Maga classes* and one live Young Spartans class per week via Zoom.
For the Krav Maga classes, a video of ‘this week’s technique or drill’ will be loaded to the Online Members Area two to three days prior to the Zoom class.
For the Young Spartans class there is no prior preparation needed; they just need to be on Zoom at the right time in order to take part.
There will be no extra change; costs will stay exactly as they are now.
Timetable (from this week onwards): Krav Maga classes will be held on a Thursday, 15:00-16:00 and 18:00-19:00, and the Young Spartans class will be held on a Friday, 15:00-16:00
Booking: PLEASE reply to our latest email to book your preferred class/time. We need your: Name, Class/Time and the Email Address via which you wish to receive the Zoom link.
*The two Krav Maga classes are the exact same class, at different times in order to accommodate everyone’s schedule as best we can. You will only be able to book on to one per week.
Inactive Members and those who have not yet paid for this month: you are currently unable to view the Online Tuition and you will not have access to these Zoom classes going forward unless you re-activate your membership/pay for this month.
Your patience and understanding with the steps going forward and your continued support is much appreciated.
Thank you.
This is how classes will run going forward until we know more from the government. The Online Tuition (Lessons, Bag workouts and original Technique videos) on the Members Area will all stay there and you will be still be able to use that in between the Zoom classes.
The ‘this week’s technique or drill’ is loaded to the Online Members Area two to three days prior to the Zoom class in order for you to familiarise yourself with the week’s subject. This also means that those who are unable to make the Zoom classes still have the same level of tuition as everyone else.
UPDATE 24/03/20
Following the government’s announcement on Friday 20th March many of the spaces we hire to hold classes have closed so we have taken the decision to temporarily close all Spartans Krav Maga classes until further notice.
We will continue to follow the latest developments and the moment we can reopen the classes we will!
New to the Academy? Looking for something to get into, to look forward to once lockdown is over? Get in touch, book your free trial and register your interest now – you\’ll be one of the first to hear from us the moment our classes reopen.
INFORMATION for MEMBERS – Adults Krav Maga
In order for you to keep up your Krav Maga Self Defence skills, confidence, health and fitness Spartans Academy has created a programme of brand new online classes, one per week will be uploaded to the Members Area Login.
There are already a good few classes on there for you up and ready to go!
You now have Online Training.
For Active Members only, the new Online Classes are extra to the regular technique videos that remain on the Private KM Video section. Please contact us if you are having trouble logging in.
It is really important that you do not give up on your training during this time. Taking these weekly online classes and practicing regularly will ensure that on your return to class your skills will be exactly where they should be.
We are sorry but if you have suspended your payments we cannot give you access to the Members Area at this time. Email us to rectify this if you wish.
If you have any questions regarding the specific techniques within the online classes please contact your Instructor Gheorghe Husar on 07557873320. As a Member of Spartans Academy that is your advantage, feedback on your progress!
Other Instructors will be available; their situations are changing on a daily basis just like yours so we are collecting a list and rough timetable of who could be available to give feedback, when and via what media.
Further to that contact with your instructor we will be providing you with Instructor Q&As, Facetime/Video Chat, Group Chats, Live Training Sessions, Krav-Fit, Training for you and your family, the list is endless. To access all of that, stay an Active Member and keep yourself in the Krav Maga Spartans WhatsApp Group, Follow us on: Facebook (stay in the Community), Instagram, Twitter.
The Rewards Scheme is on hold temporarily; we will make sure each of you who are due a reward during this time receives that reward as soon as we (and the supplier) are back to normal (Ts&Cs apply).
Once classes are back up and running, which we hope is very soon, we will look into providing extra classes and further discounts on seminars or events as a thank you for your support during this time.
INFORMATION for – Young Spartans
You now have Young Spartans Online Tuition.
It is really important that your child does not give up on their training during this time. Taking these weekly online classes and practicing regularly will ensure that they return to class with their skills exactly where they should be.
The new Online Classes are in addition to technique videos. The technique videos are under titled drop down tabs in a section below the KM Lessons 1 to 5 (on the Private KM Video page). All of this material is perfect for your child to enjoy and further their skills.
Reminder, like a lesson make sure your child: doesn’t eat a big meal before class, has a bottle of water to hand, long hair tied back and works in a space large enough to move in and move all obstacles out of the way. Ask your child to do what they can at their pace, the lessons can be paused and please practice each lesson more than once. Encourage your child to have a go and have fun.
If you have any questions regarding the techniques and drills; within the online classes please contact your Instructor Gheorghe Husar on 07557873320 (text, call or WhatsApp – the latter on which videos of progress can be sent if you wish). As a current and continuous Young Spartan that is your child’s advantage, feedback on their progress!
Further to that contact with your child’s instructor we will be providing you with Instructor Q&As, Facetime/Video Chat, Group Chats, Live Training Sessions, Krav-Fit, Training for you and your family, the list is endless. To access all of that, stay a Young Spartan and keep yourself in the Young Spartans WhatsApp Group, Follow us on: Facebook (join/stay in the Community), Instagram, and Twitter.
Once classes are back up and running, which we hope is very soon, we will credit back to you the two classes we were unable to hold during the weeks of the 23rd and 30th March.
We will as always keep you up-to-date on new developments and let you know if anything changes.
We look forward to welcoming you back to class once the rooms and studios we hire re-opens.
Protect your mental health:
- Take breaks from social media
- Limit the amount of time you watch the news coverage
- Have a plan that covers all foreseeable eventualities
- Access sunlight and nature wherever possible
- A useful link:
Finally, thank you, thank you to the Spartans and Young Spartans who have continued to support us, you have no idea how much your support means to us.
Stay safe and well and take care,
The Spartans Academy Team
Following the government’s announcement on 16th March; we would like to reassure all of our Members, Instructors and those of you looking to join our fantastic classes and supportive community that we are going above and beyond the guidelines. We are keeping well-informed with the developments and latest government guidance and doing our absolute upmost to keep you safe and healthy and in order to remain open for as long as is possible.
Our classes are on as usual and we will remain open until any specific governmental public health restrictions are placed on classes/activities such as ours:
- Can we ask each of you to arrive a little early in order to wash your hands before the start of class (please also wash them before you leave).
- We will continue to keep the equipment as clean as we always have and we have added in extra wipe downs and deep cleans.
- Please if you develop any symptoms of the virus, a fever or new continuous cough, do not attend class and follow the latest guidance provided by the government.
- Please sneeze or cough into a tissue, dispose of it in a bin and wash your hands afterwards.
- Bring plenty of water with you to class and keep drinking a lot throughout your day.
Government guidance, a useful link:
Our classes are very small and exercise is good for you:
We have made changes to the training plans and classes in order to take into account the new advice on social distancing. We have a clear and thorough contingency plan, one that will place appropriate protection for our Members and Instructors, provide continued value for your monthly memberships and secure longevity and stability for the Academy.
We\’ll keep you up-to-date and let you know if anything changes.
Protect your mental health:
- Take breaks from social media
- Limit the amount of time you watch the news coverage
- Have a plan that covers all foreseeable eventualities
- Access sunlight and nature wherever possible
- A useful link:
Thank you to those of you who have sent kind and supportive messages and emails, we appreciate you so much.
Thank you to those of you who have purchased items from our online shop, booked onto future seminars, bought extra classes and Block Sessions, continued to attend your classes and keep your membership – your kindness and support will not be forgotten.
Remember that this Spartans Academy Community is here for you and we will continue to support you.
If you have any questions or concerns please email directly.
Please be patient we will respond as soon as we can.
Take care.
The Spartans Academy Team