A Krav Maga Interview – with Gheorghe Husar, Chief Instructor of Spartans Academy of Krav Maga and Engage Academy Solutions, and Gabe Cohen, Owner of American Krav Maga and Author of Pitbull Bouncer.
A Krav Maga Interview
ONE TO WATCH: Expert Gheorghe voices his passion for Krav Maga and people.
The interview summarises the broad range of expertise our Chief Instructor Gheorghe Husar has. Gheorghe, touches upon his time as military personnel, close protection officer and head of security as well as the learning and teaching of: martial arts, krav maga and self-defence.
Gheorghe visited Colorado, USA for a week in February of 2019 representing engageacademy.club. His schedule included instructing an advanced Krav Maga workshop with Gabe Cohen, coaching and training and teaching two other seminars.
SURVIVING BASEBALL BAT, KNIFE, GUN THREATS/ATTACKS a great 6 hour seminar today at Glenwood Springs Martial Arts Academy with Gheorghe Husar, engageacademy.club.
This is the home of my American Krav Maga family! The training was outstanding and GHEORGHE HUSAR brings 10 years as a military instructor, presidential bodyguard, bouncer, and
successful private business owner (3rd Dan Krav Maga Black Belt [Gheorghe is now 4th Dan]) to the table! This week was phenomenal!” – Gabe
More on this trip via social media, Spartans Academy of Krav Maga Facebook page…
“Fun night of training Active Shooter Response. Thank you Gheorghe Husar of https://kravmaga-academy.co.uk/ Great insight on the psychologically of the shooter, how to position ourselves armed or unarmed, strategically making a game plan, of course gun defenses and take downs.” – Gabe Cohen
“You sir are a reservoir of knowledge…”
“Krav Maga training that has been proven in the field. There are those who know and those who think they know.
Be humble and seek out truth. Test what you have been taught and explore other systems to see if there is anything better out there. Gheorghe Husar brings years of martial arts, military and presidential bodyguard experience not to mention his most recent training the last few years with Itay Gil.
I’m learning a lot this week with my private training with Gheorghe and am happy to share his knowledge with my students..” – Gabe Cohen
Spartans Academy Students, Members and Instructors will recognise this type of training ‘A Gheorghe Special’
“Reality based training, great 2 hour class tonight thank you, Gheorghe Husar.”
Spartans Academy will continue to work with Instructors, Clubs, Organisations and Federations who put people before profits.